Once again, it has been a while since I've done a Stacking the Shelves. The last few weeks have been a little hectic with my graduation from university, family visiting me, me visiting family and work throughout all of that. But I am finally back to posting semi-regularly and so I thought I would share the books I have gotten in the last few weeks.
- The Golden Day by Ursula Dubosarsky - The Golden Day caught by attention when I saw it in the Candlewick catalogue and it sounded like something that I would really enjoy. It also sounds quite different so I'm really looking forward to reading it soon.
- Juvie by Steve Watkins - I am always looking for good contemporary stories that deal with some tougher subjects, so I was excited when I first heard about Juvie. And having now found out more about the book, I can't wait to read it.
- Anywhere But Here by Tanya Lloyd Kyi - I only first heard about Anywhere But Here this past week, but all I really need to know to get excited about it was that it's contemporary. But beyond that, this sounds like a great contemp story and it has a male protagonist so I'm really looking forward to it.
- The Great & Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms by Ian Thornton - This one is an adult historical title, but sounds really interesting. Plus I love anything to do with the period around the World Wars so I am definitely looking forward to reading this one.
- Belladonna by Fiona Paul (not pictured) - I loved Venom when I read it last fall so I can't wait to read Belladonna. It doesn't hurt that I've heard nothing but good things about it, so I will be reading this one soon.
Thank you to Candlewick Press, Simon & Schuster Canada and Penguin Canada for sending me these books for review!
- Losing It by Cora Carmack - Everywhere I turn, everyone is talking about this book so I figured I would give it a try. And I started reading it and the next thing I knew, I was halfway through. So that's to say that so far it lives up to what everyone has been saying and I haven't been disappointed yet.
- Spirit by Brigid Kemmerer - So far, I have loved the other books in this series. There is just something about these books that captures my attention so I can't wait to read the next installment.
- Dance of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin - I finally got around to reading Masque of the Red Death since I had to read it for my book club and now I can't wait to find out what happened next. So picking up a copy of the sequel seemed like a good idea.
So these are the books I have gotten in the last few weeks. Be sure to keep checking back in this week and next as I get back to posting regularly because even though I haven't been posting, I have been getting a lot of reading done.
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