Today, as part of her Kismet Blog Tour for Confessions of an Angry Girl I have the pleasure of having author Louise Rozett here on the blog to talk about how her book originally started out. Because you see, Confessions of an Angry Girl didn't start out as a young adult novel, but rather as an adult one. But I'll let Louise Rozett tell you all about that.
The Angry Girl's Origin Story
by Louise Rozett
Confessions of an
Angry Girl was originally called Canceled.
It was a novel for adults. And a psychological mystery. With an element of
magic realism.
Yeah, I know! Here’s how it happened.
One day, almost 12 years ago, I was on the subway, looking
out the window at the station stops as they went by. Suddenly, a few lines just
popped into my head, so I wrote them down in my datebook. (Yes, people still
wrote in datebooks back then.) (Okay, yes, I still write in datebooks, on actual paper with an actual pen—just
call me Old-School Rozett).
Anyway, here’s what I wrote, more or less:
“The subway doors close, the motion starts, and I think
about all the lies I told in the weeks leading up to my disappearance. They
just waft through my head, a different one for each stop... The subway is often
about lies all by itself. It doesn’t need me to sit there, thinking about what
a big, fat liar I am. There are lies all around me. Lies about people’s comfort
levels with each other. Lies about what people are reading. Lies about what
people are drinking. Lies about where people are going...”
When I got home, I typed up those lines and started writing
a story about a woman in her 30s who has what may or may not be a psychotic
break after she gets two devastating communiqués just a few minutes apart: a
voicemail message that someone she once loved has died, and a wedding
invitation from someone else she once loved. What I wrote that day was the
first chapter of a novel for adults that I eventually titled Canceled.
I worked on this novel on and off for a long time, and the
chapters alternated between the woman in the present, and the woman in high
school. At some point, I realized that I was really drawn to the high school character—I
worked on her chapters even when I was supposed to be working on the chapters
in the present. So I decided to pull out the high school chapters and string
them together to see what I had. And that’s when 14-year-old Rose Zarelli really
came to life.
I loved writing about high-school Rose—she had a lot to say,
and she was really, really mad, all the time. I didn’t even know why at
first—it took me a while to figure her out because she wasn’t exactly in the
mood to talk. But eventually, we developed a good working relationship and she
started telling me how she felt, and why. And I loved the idea of writing about
a girl who refused to hide her anger from the world and buy into the notion
that girls are supposed to be happy and accommodating and polite all the time.
It’s a notion that I feel is still somehow communicated to girls today, despite
the fact that in many places in the world (but certainly not all), girls have
more freedoms and rights and modes of self-expression than ever before.
So what will happen to those discarded chapters that tell us
about Rose as an adult? Will 30-year-old Rose get mad about the fact that I
haven’t finished telling her story and start talking to me again?
I wouldn’t put it past her.
It's always interesting to know how stories start out, but keep reading to find out more about what Confessions of an Angry Girl became and for a chance to enter in a pretty awesome giveaway.
Freshman Rose Zarelli has rage issues.First of all, her father lost his job, took work as a contractor in Iraq…and never came home.Second, she likes the wrong guy and his super-intense, scary cheerleader girlfriend is now her nemesis.Third, her fashionista best friend, Tracy, is suddenly infinitely cooler than she is—and talking about losing her virginity. (What?!)Rose is ahead when it comes to studying for the PSAT, but she’s so far behind socially that she might as well be moving backward. She needs Tracy’s help choosing the right clothes, she likes all the wrong extracurricular activities, and she can’t even make a decision about which photo of her father to put on the memorial website she’s making (and hiding from her adolescent-shrink mother).With her brother away at college and her mother always locked in her office with her messed-up teen patients, Rose struggles to get through each day without inflicting bodily harm on anyone.
Today you have the chance of being entered into two giveaway simply by filling out the Rafflecopter form below. First off, one lucky winner will receive a copy of Confessions of an Angry Girl. Secondly, by simply entering the first giveaway you are entered to win the grand prize pack shown above. Giveaway is open to US/Canada only.
Good luck to everyone who enters!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to follow the tour!
Monday, August 27th - Pure
Tuesday, August 28th Book Birthday - Book and a Latte
Wednesday, August 29th - Emilie's Book
Friday, August 31th - The Book Cellar
Monday, September 3rd - Supernatural
Wednesday, September 5th - Harlequin Tour Stop