Monday, December 29, 2014

Most Anticipated of 2015

Last week I talked about my favourite reads from 2014. It was hard to just pick 15 books to feature for that list. Now I've been looking at all the books that are coming out in 2015, and it's just as hard to decide which books are the ones I'm the most excited about. But after banging my head against the wall in frustration a couple times, I've managed to narrow it down to 15 books once again. And it should come as no surprise whatsoever that pretty much all the books on this list are contemporary. But that's besides the point. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here are the 15 books I'm the most excited about to read in 2015.

Emilie's Most Anticipated Books of 2015

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen - This is a new Sarah Dessen book, does it really need any explaining? Sarah Dessen is one of my all-time favourite authors and I will read anything she writes. And I mean literally anything. This one is supposed to be darker than her other books so I'm definitely looking forward to reading it.

All Played Out by Cora Carmack - This year I have come to love Cora Carmack's Rusk University books and I can't wait to read this one. I'm so excited to read Torres and Nell's story. But at the same time, I'm kind of sad that this will be the last book in this series (or at least it will be as far as I know). 

I Was Here by Gayle Forman - This is Gayle Forman. Need I say more? But for real, Gayle Forman is one of those authors whose books I will read no matter what they are about. I haven't been disappointed so far. One thing's for sure though, I will be keeping a box of tissues handy because I just know this will be an emotional read.

The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead - I'm torn about this book. On the one hand, I can't wait to have it in my hands and be able to read it. But I also never want Sydney and Adrian's story to end. I want to keep reading books about them forever. But I want The Ruby Circle SO BAD.

Jesse's Girl by Miranda Kenneally - Not only does this book share a title with an 80's song, but it was written by Miranda Kenneally. I absolutely cannot wait for this book. I've already read the two excerpts that have been posted online and they've only left me dying for more.

Confess by Colleen Hoover - This year was the year that I discovered Colleen Hoover and I can't wait to read more from her. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what Confess is about (I read the description at some point but cannot for the life of my remember what it said). But that doesn't even matter because I just want more Colleen Hoover romance in my life.

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han - How could To All the Boys I've Loved Before just ended like that? I have been dying for this book ever since I read the last page of the previous one. I just want this story so much. I have to know who Lara Jean chooses (and it better be Peter).

The Princess Diaries: Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot - Meg Cabot is one of the reasons I read so much YA. In middle and high school I read every single one of her books and the Princess Diaries series is still among my favourites. Needless to say that I can't wait to dive back in to that world, if only for the span of one book.

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West - Kasie West's contemporary romances are just so freaking adorable and I love them. This one sounds like it will be just as adorable as the other ones and I honestly can't wait to read it. Plus, isn't that cover just adorable?

My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga - This book involves a suicide pact. And that's all I really needed to know about this book to know I wanted to read it. Though I don't know what that says about me. Anyways, I've been told this book will put me through the emotional wringer and I can't wait to read it.

The Devil You Know by Trish Doller - I've only read one of Trish Doller's other books but I absolutely loved it and it stayed with me for a long time after I finished reading it. This one sounds like it will be right up my alley and I can't wait to read it.

Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry - So Katie McGarry has a new series coming out and I want it. Badly. Now. Though I'm a little sad it won't be tied to her other books since I LOVE those, I'm excited to read stories in this new world.

Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby - I've loved all the books I've read by Jessi Kirby and I can't wait to read this one. The premise sounds really interesting, and from experience with her other books, I know this will be an emotional book. Tissues will be on hand for sure.

The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick - More Garretts! And Tim! Honestly, this is one of the books I'm most looking forward to reading next year. If it's anything like My Life Next Door, I just know I will adore The Boy Most Likely To.

99 Days by Katie Cotugno - Katie Cotugno's How to Love was one of my favourite reads in 2012 and I can't wait for more from her. I've been pining for this book for so long and I'm so excited to finally being close to reading it. 

Have you heard of any of the books on this list? Are any of them books you're excited about?

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Best of 2014

With the year coming to an end in just over a week, I figured now was a great time to share some of my favourite books of 2014. Let me just say that narrowing this list down was HARD. To give you an idea, I've read 119 books so far this year and so many of those are books that I absolutely loved. Somehow, I managed to get that list down to 15 (well, 18, technically). And apparently I read A LOT of contemporary this year, so much so that I've barely read from other genres this year. Like there are only three books on this list that aren't contemporary and that's actually pretty representative of my reading in 2014. But I digress. So, in no particular order, here are my favourites from this year.

Emilie's Favourite Books of 2014

Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor - I feel like this is one of those books that kind of flew under the radar. But that doesn't mean I didn't absolutely love it. This was a story about a friendship done absolutely fantastically. This story broke my heart and left me a complete mess, but I loved every single page of it.

Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern - This is another book that flew under the radar but should have gotten so much more attention. In a year where we were crying out for more diverse books, this one was perfect. Again, this was a story that was heartwarming and there isn't another one like it in YA (at least that I know of).

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins - I mean, does this one even need any explanation? I had waited so long to finally read this story and I was so happy to finally be reading it. I loved this story completely and I couldn't have asked for a better happily ever after (see what I did there?) for the characters I loved over the course of the three books.

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord - If you haven't heard about Open Road Summer, then you've probably been living under a rock. This was an absolutely fantastic debut with a beautiful friendship and a heartwarming romance. Needless to say, I absolutely ADORED this book. 

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson - Again, I feel like this doesn't need any explanation. I feel like all I really need to say is this was Morgan Matson and I will read everything and anything she writes. But for real, though, this book was just fantastic. And it has awesome playlists. 

All Broke Down by Cora Carmack - Cora Carmack is responsible for a lot of the feelings I've experienced this year, especially when it comes to New Adult books. This could have just as easily been All Lined Up since her Rusk University books are absolutely awesome, but there was something about Silas and Dylan in this one that made it come out ahead.

Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker - I think this might just be my favourite out of all of K.A. Tucker's books. They've all been fantastic, but I can't help but love Ben and Reese's story. Might have something to do with the fact that Ben was my favourite character any time he popped up in the other books...

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover - 2014 was the year I read all the Collen Hoover books. And I mean ALL of them. But Maybe Someday was my favourite. The story, the characters, the music, it all worked together to hit me right in the feels and leave me in a puddle of my own tears. And I say that in the most positive way possible.

Make It Count by Megan Erickson - This story was just SO MUCH FUN (as was Make It Right, FYI). But it was also really touching and heartwarming and I loved reading every page of it. The characters and the story just felt so real to me while I was reading and again, a lot of feelings were had on my part.

Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley - This book. I don't know how to express how much I loved it (probably why I haven't reviewed it yet). But seriously, it had a kick ass heroine (literally and figuratively) and mystery and hot military boys, and do I have to go on?

Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead - This should need no explaining whatsoever. I mean, it's a book all about Sydney and Adrian being kick ass and adorable. I think that while reading this book I may have been overcome with more feelings than while reading any other books. Richelle Mead just does that to me.

Something Real by Heather Demetrios - If you know me in real life, you're probably sick of hearing me talk about how much I loved this book. But I just can't help myself, and I will continue screaming my love for it from the rooftops until everyone has read it. It was just that ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.

Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally - Every time I read one of Miranda Kennally's books, I go to my happy place. And Breathe, Annie, Breathe pretty much made me the happiest. It was just so good and awesome and adorable and it has Jeremiah Brown and well, it was awesome (I think I've said that already).

Cress by Marissa Meyer - This was the very first book I read in 2014 and 12 months later, I still love it just as much. Marissa Meyer's fairy tale retellings are absolutely fantastic and Cress is my absolute favourite. It was just AMAZING.

Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater - THIS WAS A BOOK ALL ABOUT COLE ST. CLAIR. I feel like that kind of says it all. I've loved Cole St. Clair for years and this book was just everything I had hoped it would be.

Honourable Mentions
(Because they didn't come out in 2014 or aren't out yet)

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick - So I was a little late to the party on this one (it came out in 2012) but holy crap did I love it. This story was just EVERYTHING. I wish I had a family like the Garretts living next door to me. 

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord - Emery Lord's debut was one of my favourite reads this year and her second book is EVEN BETTER. I actually just finished reading it a couple of days ago, but already it's a favourite.

I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios - If you thought I loved Something Real, it's nothing compared to how I feel about I'll Meet You There (and be prepared to hear me talk about it A LOT next year). This story broke my heart but then helped put it back together and it was just perfection.

Have you read any of the books on this list? Were any your favourites?

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Last Will and Testament by Dahlia Adler

Title: Last Will and Testament (Radleigh University #1)
Author: Dahlia Adler
Publisher: Dahlia Adler
Release Date: December 9, 2014
Source: ARC from author
Buy the Book: Amazon / Indigo / B&N
Lizzie Brandt was valedictorian of her high school class, but at Radleigh University, all she’s acing are partying and hooking up with the wrong guys. But all that changes when her parents are killed in a tragic accident, making her guardian to her two younger brothers. To keep them out of foster care, she’ll have to fix up her image, her life, and her GPA—fast. Too bad the only person on campus she can go to for help is her humorless, pedantic Byzantine History TA, Connor Lawson, who isn’t exactly Lizzie’s biggest fan.

But Connor surprises her. Not only is a he a great tutor, but he’s also a pretty great babysitter. And chauffeur. And listener. And he understands exactly what it’s like to be on your own before you’re ready. Before long, Lizzie realizes having a responsible-adult type around has its perks…and that she’d like to do some rather irresponsible (but considerably adult) things with him as well. Good thing he’s not the kind of guy who’d ever reciprocate. 

Until he does.

Until they turn into far more than teacher and student.

Until the relationship that helped her put their lives back together threatens everything they both have left.

Guys, I love New Adult. This shouldn't be news to anyone if you've been hanging around here for a while, but I thought I would restate that just because I can. The latest in the string of awesome New Adult I've read is Dahlia Adler's Last Will and Testament. I tore through this book and I loved every last page of it.

Though she may have been focused on her future when she was in high school, now that she's in college, Lizzie Brandt has other priorities. Her priorities tend to land more in the having fun category than in the academic achievement category. But that quickly changes when her parents are in a deadly car accident and Lizzie is left to care for her two younger brothers. If she doesn't, they're going to end up in foster care and that's the last thing she wants. That means Lizzie has to clean up her act, fast. And there to help with it all is Connor Lawson, her history TA. A TA who should be completely off limits, if he weren't so great at being there for Lizzie and her brothers. Both of them know that they should fight their attraction for each other. But that's a easier said than done.

Teacher and student relationships are always interesting. And I'm quite ambivalent about them. Sometimes they just don't work. And other times I am rooting for that relationship all the way. Dahlia Adler's Last Will and Testament was definitely the second kind. I was rooting for these characters and for them to be able to be together. And in large part, that's because of the way Dahlia Adler wrote this story. Right from page one, this story hits you in the feels. You've barely had a chance to meet Lizzie, the main character, when she finds out that her parents have been killed. And from there, the emotions keep on coming. And all those emotions made it so I got really invested in this story. A whole lot more invested than I thought I was going to get. And because I got this invested in the story, I really wanted this relationship to work out. Heck, after a while I even stopped thinking about the fact the Connor was Lizzie's TA, making her his student. They were just two people and I wanted their relationship to work out. Because they both needed it so much.

Have I mentioned that I loved Lizzie and Connor? If I haven't, I'm saying it now. They were both great and I wanted the best for both of them. Lizzie definitely get it easy, and I have a lot of respect for her. It's not every eighteen year old who would be willing to become the legal guardian of her two younger brothers. And Lizzie tried to make it work as best as she could...and that meant getting Connor involved. Both in her life and in her brother's life. Even though that second part may not have exactly been intentional. Though I can hardly blame Lizzie, because Connor was pretty damn awesome. There's something to be said for the sexy history nerd. And Connor was all that, and a whole lot more. If I'm being honest though, one of my favourite thing about Connor was his choice of curse words. As a good French Canadian, I smiled anytime he swore and it was in French, because doing so in English didn't have the same effect (and I can totally relate to that).

So. You should all go and read Dahlia Adler's Last Will and Testament, especially if you like to have your heartstrings pulled at. This story will do just that, all the while making you smile and root for this couple. Now I just need to go and get my hands on Dahlia Adler's other books.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog Tour - The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre + Giveaway

Title: The Shape of My Heart
Author: Ann Aguirre
Publisher: Harlequin HQN
Release Date: November 25, 2014
Source: ARC from Publisher
Buy the Book: Amazon / Book Depository / Indigo / B&N
Some people wait decades to meet their soul mate. Courtney Kaufman suspects she met hers in high school—only to lose him at seventeen. Since then, Courtney’s social life has been a series of meaningless encounters, though she’s made a few close friends along the way. Especially her roommate, Max Cooper, who oozes damaged bad-boy vibes from every pore.

Max knows about feeling lost and trying to move beyond the pain—he’s been on his own since he was sixteen. Now ti’s time to find out if he can ever go home again, and Courtney’s the only one he trusts to go with him. But the trip to Providence could change everything…because the more time he spends with Courtney, the harder it is to reconcile what he wants and what he thinks he deserves.

It started out so simple. One misfit helping another. Now Max will do anything to show Courtney that for every heart that’s ever been broken there’s noter that can make it complete. 

After having read the first two books in Ann Aguirre’s 2B trilogy, I couldn’t help but want to read the third one. These books are addicting, and they feature characters that often aren’t seen in other stories. To say I devoured The Shape of My Heart would be an understatement. And of course, I loved every page of it.

Courtney Kaufman believes in the idea of soul mates. And once upon a time she even found hers in her high school best friend. Unfortunately for her, she lost him when she was seventeen. Since then, Courtney hasn’t found anyone she was willing to give her heart to, but that hasn’t stopped her from making a few close friends. Among those friends is Max Cooper, her roommate, and someone who seems to have just as much baggage as he does. Max knows all about how difficult it can be to trust people. He’s been on his own since he was sixteen and has let very few people get close to him. But with Courtney, things are different. He wants to let her in, he wants more than just her friendship. If only he thought he deserved her as much as he needs her. Both Max and Courtney have suffered great heartbreak, and together they might just be able to fix each other’s hearts. 

I feel the need to once again apologize in advance if you get a Backstreet Boys song stuck in your head. Believe me, it’s stuck in my head to (though that might just be because I’ve had it playing the whole time I’ve been writing this review). Moving on. I’m going to be honest, what initially drew me to these books are the Backstreet Boys-related title. But after I read the first one, I was completely hooked because of the story and the characters, the titles were just an added bonus. The Shape of My Heart was just an addicting read. It helped that I knew the characters, and that since the first book I had been looking forward to reading more about Max. He just intrigued me. So knowing this was his story just made me super excited to read it. And let me just say that there were many times when his and Courtney’s story broke my heart, but in a really good way. Because I absolutely loved the romance in this book. It wasn’t rushed, it felt completely natural and Max and Courtney were friends before they were anything else which made it even better. And really, that’s why I loved this story. Because of the people in it.

Max had been pretty prominent in the first book and was referred to quite a bit in the second book, but The Shape of My Heart was all about him. Well, him and Courtney. But you get my point. Whenever I had seen him in the previous two books, I had always wanted more. There just always seemed to be so much to him and I wanted to see what that “so much” was. It turned out to be pretty heartbreaking, but it made me love Max all the more because of it. I just needed him to realize that he deserved to be happy to and to get what he wants for once in his life. And that brings me to Courtney. Much like with Max, I loved Courtney. I’d had very brief glimpses of her in the other two books and I really enjoyed getting to know her better. What I liked the most about Courtney is that she wasn’t the type of heroine I’ve almost come to expect when it comes to New Adult. It was refreshing. And her and Max together were just fantastic. I loved the way their relationship evolved from friendship to something more. It all just felt natural, and I couldn’t picture two people who fit together better than those two.

In case you hadn’t figured it out, I loved Ann Aguirre’s The Shape of My Heart. It was a great conclusion to her 2B trilogy. Though I would be lying if I said I was didn’t want more stories about this group of friends (I don’t know about you guys, but I could definitely do with a story about Angus). Fans of New Adult romance should definitely be checking out this series.


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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Scoring Wilder by R.S. Grey

Title: Scoring Wilder
Author: R.S. Grey
Publisher: R.S. Grey
Release Date: June 15, 2014
Source: Purchased
Buy the Book: Amazon
What started out as a joke—seduce Coach Wilder—soon became a goal she had to score.

With Olympic tryouts on the orison, the last thing nineteen-year-old Kinsley Bryant needs to add to her plate is Liam Wilder. He’s a professional soccer player, America’s favorite bad-boy, and has all the qualities of a skilled panty-dropper.

- A face that makes girls weep — check.
- Abs that can shred Parmesan cheese (the expensive kind) — check.
- Enough confidence to shift the earth’s gravitational pull — double check.

Not to mention Liam is strictly off limits. Forbidden. Her coaches have made that perfectly clear. (i.e. “Score with Coach Wilder anywhere other than the field and you’ll be cut form the team faster than you can count his tattoos.”) But that just makes him all the more enticing…Besides, Kinsley’s already counted the visible wines, and she is not one to leave a project unfinished.

Kinsley tries to play the game her way as they navigate through forbidden territory, but Liam is determined to teach her a whole new definition for the term “team bonding.”

Until now, I’ve always avoided reading self-published book, unless it was by an author I knew and had previously read. But every so often, a self-published book will appear on my radar after seeing many other bloggers raving about it. That’s what happened with R.S. Grey’s Scoring Wilder, and I can say that I don’t regret having read this particular self-published book.

Kinsley Bryant is ready to be a part of the ULA women’s soccer team and to prepare for the upcoming Olympic tryouts. After what just happened with her boyfriend, she wants nothing more than to focus on soccer and her new team. But that proves to be difficult when she comes face to face with Liam Wilder, America’s soccer bad-boy and all around hottie. Kinsley figured she can deal with Liam if she only sees him at parties, but when he turns out to be her new coach, things get tricky. Neither one of them can deny their attraction for the other, but they know having a relationship off the field is completely out of the question. But Kinsley is determined to get to know her new coach, on and off the field. And Liam is more than willing to help Kinsley…with soccer and other things.

So here’s the thing. I tend to avoid self-published books. Like, I don’t think I’ve actually really read one before this one. It’s not that I have anything against them per say, but there are so many other traditionally published books out there and some people I know have had bad experiences with them. So all that to say that I tend to be wary of self-published books. But in the past few months, R.S. Grey’s Scoring Wilder kept popping up in my Twitter feed as fellow bloggers were reading it and then raving about it. After having seen so many good reviews of this book, I thought I should give it a try. It is after all a story I would be all over if it had been traditionally published. And I am so glad i got myself a copy of this book, because I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. Once I started reading, I couldn’t seem to put it down. I loved the way this story played out, the role soccer played in it all, and the romance was just the way I like it. And the best part of this story was definitely all the relationships.

I loved Kinsley right from the start. This girl doesn’t let anyone give her crap and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself, as she demonstrates right at the start of the story. But I also loved Kinsley because she was just a girl who was pursuing her goal and happened to fall for someone she wasn’t supposed to along the way. And from the way she describes Liam Wilder, I can’t exactly hold that against her. Because I would have done the very same thing she did if I was spending any given amount of time with Liam. But Liam also wasn’t exactly who I expected. From the initial description I got of him, I figured he would be kind of a jerk and a player. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Liam ended up being sweet and kind, while also being absolutely swoon-worthy. And it should go without saying that I loved Kinsley and Liam together. They just gave me a lot of feelings. But beyond just the romantic relationship, I loved all the friendships in this story, whether between Kinsley and some of her teammates, or between Liam and his own best friend. It was great to see all those relationships play out and come together.

If you’ve been considering giving Scoring Wilder a chance, I would tell you to absolutely go for it. I was more than pleasantly surprised by this story and though I’m still wary of self-published books, R.S. Grey is an author I will definitely be keeping my eye on.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me post a couple of times about word counts and writing. The reason for that is that I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the very first time. I had considered doing it in the past, but when I was still in school, November is pretty much the worst time of the year to decide to write 50,000 words just for fun. This year, though, I decided to just do it and see what happens.

If you're curious about what I'm writing, it's a contemporary YA (anyone actually surprised by this?) about two best friends and their various relationships, romantic or otherwise. If you want more details, go check out my profile on the NaNoWriMo website and add me as a writing buddy. As of right now, I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm excited to see where my story is going to go.

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year or have you done it in the past? What advice do you have for a newbie? Let me know in the comments!

Good luck to everyone participating!

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Cover Reveal - Anne & Henry by Dawn Ius + Giveaway

Today I have the pleasure of taking part in the cover reveal for Dawn Ius's upcoming Anne & Henry. I know I'm really excited about this book, and hopefully you will be too after finding out more!

Title: Anne & Henry
Author: Dawn Ius
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: Fall 2015
A love worth losing your head over

Wild, brazen, mischievous, betwitching

Driven, haunted, charming, magnetic

Apart they are bound to destroy themselves. Together, they are bound to destroy each other.

HENRY TUDOR’S LIFE HAS BEEN mapped out since the day he was born: student president, valedictorian, Harvard Law School, and a stunning political career just like his father’s. 

But ever since the death of Henry’s brother—perfect, high-achieving Arthur—his family has been twice as demanding. And now Henry’s trapped: forbidden from pursuing alive as an artist or dating any girl who’s not Tudor-approved.

Then Anne Boleyn crashes into his life.

Anne is wild, brash, and outspoken. She is everything Henry is not allowed to be—or to want. But soon Anne is all he can think about. His mother, his friends, and even his girlfriend warn him away, yet his desire for Anne consumes him. Henry is willing to do anything to be with her. But once he has her, their romance could destroy them both.

Inspired by the true story of Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII, ANNE & HENRY reimagines the intensity, love and betrayal between one of the most infamous couples of all time.

About the Author:
DAWN IUS is a shorty-story author, novelist, screenwriter, professional editor, and communications specialist. She is an active member of the International Thriller Writers association, co-founder and senior editor of Wine Leaves Literary Journal, and the author of nine educational graphic novels published by the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. When she’s not slaying fictional monsters, she’s geeing out over fairy tales, Jack Bauer, Halloween, sports cars, and all things that go bump in the night. Dawn lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband, Jeff, and their giant English Mastiff, Roarke.

Connect with Dawn: Facebook / Twitter / Blog / E-mail


Does this sound like something you would be interested in reading? If it does, be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win an advance copy of the book. ARCs won't be ready until at least January, though, so it may take some time for your prize to make its way to you. USA ONLY.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blog Tour - Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Character Interview & Giveaway

Today I have the pleasure of being part of the blog tour for Jennifer L. Armentrout's latest book, Stone Cold Touch. I am so happy to be taking part because I absolutely LOVED this book. And now I get to have Layla, Zayne and Roth answering a few questions. Be sure to keep reading to the end for your chance to win a signed copy of the book!

Emilie: Roth and Zayne, you’ve recently had to work together a little. How has it been doings something you never thought you would do?
Zayne: I hate working with a demon, but I’d do anything for Layla.
Roth: I’m more open-minded than Stony. He’s obviously a little judgy.

Emilie: Layla, what’s it like having to almost play referee between Roth and Zayne?
Layla: I hate that Roth and Zayne don’t get along because they’re both important to me. I understand why it’s hard for them to like each other, but it’s a constant back and forth between them. It drives me crazy.

Emilie: What’s one thing each of you admires about the others?
Roth: Zayne takes care of Layla. So he can’t be all bad. Mostly, but not all.
Zayne: Roth made a sacrifice for Layla that I wasn’t expecting. I have to admire that about him.
Layla: I admire both guys for different reasons. Roth surprised me because he’s completely different than I expected from a demon and Zayne has always been there for me from the first time that I met him.

Emilie: From what I know, you didn’t really see what happened with the Lilin coming. What do you think is going to happen next?
Roth: Not sure, but even Hell is worried.
Zayne: It can’t be good.

Emilie: To finish off, what would each of you say or do to convince people who haven’t read your story to do so?
Roth: I don’t think I need to convince anyone once they’ve met me.
Zayne: That’s your answer? How do you even stand being around him, Layla?
Layla: *Sigh*

Thank you to Layla, Zayne and Roth for answering these questions and even keeping things civil. Well, for the most part. If you want to get your hands on a signed copy of Stone Cold Touch, just leave a comment below and I will pick a winner from all the comments. US/Canada only. Ends November 11.

About the Book:
Every touch has its price

Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always proctedted her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could.

But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers being to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could changer her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but will hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay…

About the Author:
#1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories…which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published by Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant series has been optioned for TV.

She also write adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

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Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Tour - All Broke Down by Cora Carmack + Giveaway

Title: All Broke Down (Rusk University #2)
Author: Cora Carmack
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Release Date: October 28, 2014
Source: ARC from Publisher
Buy the Book: Amazon / Book Depository / Indigo / B&N
In this second book in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Carmack’s New Adult, Texas-set Rusk University series, which began with All Lined Up, a young woman discovers that you can’t only fight for what you believe in…sometimes you have to fight what you love.

“No one does romance and humor like Cora Carmack!” —Jennifer L. Armentrout

Dylan fights for lost causes. Probably because she used to be one.

Environmental issues, civil rights, corrupt corporations, and politicians—you name it, she’s probably been involved in a protest. When her latest cause lands her in jail overnight, she meets Silas Moore. He’s in for a different kind of fighting. And though he’s arrogant and infuriating, she can’t help being fascinated with him. Yet another lost cause.

Football and trouble are the only things that have ever come naturally to Silas. And it’s trouble that lands him in a cell next to do-gooder Dylan. He’s met girls like her before—fixers, he calls them, desperate to heal the damage and make him into their ideal boyfriend. But he doesn’t think he’s broken, and he definitely doesn’t need a girlfriend trying to change him. Until, that is, his anger issues and rash decisions threaten the only thing he really cares about, his spot on the Rusk University football team. Dylan might just be the perfect girl to help.

Because Silas Moore needs some fixing after all.

I fell completely in love with Cora Carmack's Rusk University series when I read the first book, All Lined Up, earlier this year. Knowing how much I loved the book, I wasn't sure how the next installment, All Broke Down, could possibly top it, but it did. It was exactly what I was hoping it would be.

If there's one thing Dylan knows how to do it's fight for lost causes. It's what she's spent the last few years of her life doing, hoping that she can do what was once done for her. But when she finds herself in jail, Dylan knows she may have taken things too far. Except, if she hadn't wound up in jail, she wouldn't have met Silas Moore. Silas should have known better than to start going at it with Levi. Even as he was fighting, he knew it was a bad idea. But Levi hit all his buttons. In jail, Silas meets Dylan and knows exactly the type of girl she is. Except as he starts spending time with her, Silas realizes that Dylan is not who he initially thought, instead Dylan might just be the girl he needs if he wants to stay on the football team.

How can I even begin to explain how much I loved All Broke Down? This is one of those times when I wish I could just tell you that the book was awesome and you all need to read it, and that would be that. But I'll make an effort and try to say a little more than that. In a way, I was a little afraid that All Broke Down would be just like All Lined Up, except with different main characters. I'm happy to report, though, that I couldn't have been more wrong. All Broke Down was definitely its own story and I loved reading every page of it. It didn't take long at all for things to get started. I mean, within the first few pages Dylan has managed to find herself in jail and Silas is throwing punches at Levi. And so it didn't take long at all before Dylan and Silas met things started getting interesting. And from that point on, things just became fun. I enjoyed seeing this story develop, even if at times there were parts that were difficult to read and broke my heart a little. On a more serious note, and without revealing too much about the last part of the book, I really appreciated the way in which Cora Carmack chose to approach a matter that has gotten a lot of attention recently. It was good to see that people can't just get away with doing things because of their status at a university. Hopefully, it can help some people who have gone through something like this that there is something that can be done for them. And that's the end of that serious note. The important thing is, I absolutely LOVED All Broke Down, even more than I did the first book. And that's in large part thanks to Silas and Dylan.

Holy Silas Moore. Where do I even start with him? I had gotten a few glimpses of Silas in All Lined Up and what I had seen hadn't exactly painted a very positive picture. What I saw in All Broke Down, though, is that Silas was very much a layered character. There was so much more to him than that tough exterior he put on for the world to see. I loved peeling back the layers of Silas's character and seeing who he really was at his core. Because that was someone worth knowing and worth caring for. much like Dylan, it didn't take long at all for me to fall for Silas's charm. And Dylan was just a very likeable and relatable character. Because of her background, Dylan has major people-pleaser tendencies and that was something I could definitely relate to. But more than that, Dylan was such a great contrast to Silas. They balanced each other out and brought out the best in each other. And you better believe that I was rooting for them. They were great together and that's all that really mattered to me. And I loved seeing Dallas, Carson and Stella again (and I'm still holding out hope for a Stella and Ryan story, which, considering some of the events of this book, could be really interesting).

As you might have guessed if you've gotten this far, there was nothing I didn't love about Cora Carmack's All Broke Down. If I'm being honest, I would keep reading Rusk University books forever and I would be happy. And it should go without saying that I can't wait to see the story in All Played Out. Knowing who it's about, I just know I'm going to love it!


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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross

Title: Whatever Life Throws at You
Author: Julie Cross
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Release Date: October 7, 2014
Source: Purchased
Buy the Book: Amazon / Book Depository / Indigo
Life loves a good curveball…

Seventeen-year-old Annie Lucas’s life is completely upended the moment her dad returns to the major leagues as the new pitching coach for the Kansas City Royals. Now she’s living in Missouri (too cold), attending an all-girls school (no boys), and navigating the strange world of professional sports. But Annie had dreams of her own—most of which involve placing first at every track meet…and one starring the Royals’ super-hot rookie pitcher.

But nineteen-year-old Jason Brody is completely, utterly, and totally off-limits. Besides, her dad would kill them both several times over. Not to mention Brody has something of a past, and his fan club is filled with C-cupped models, not smart-mouthed high school “brats” who can run the pants off every player on the team. Annie has enough on her plate without taking their friendship to the next level. The last think she should be doing is falling in love.

But baseball isn’t just a game. It’s life. And sometimes, it can break your heart…

There is nothing I love more than a sweet contemporary with a kick-ass girl and swoon-worthy guy. I'm always on the lookout for just that kind of story. So when I heard about Julie Cross' Whatever Life Throws at You, I knew it was going to be right up my alley. And it totally was and I just tore through this book.

Annie Lucas was perfectly happy staying in Arizona. She went to school, kicked ass in track and even had a scholarship lined up for college even though she had a year left of high school. But when her dad gets the opportunity to get back to professional baseball as a pitching coach, she knows she can't stand in his way. Even if it means moving across the country to Kansas City, Missouri. When she gets there, the first person Annie meets is Jason Brody, the completely off-limits new rookie pitcher for the Kansas City Royals. Annie couldn't be farther from the type of women Brody is usually seen with. But you can't fight attraction, even if it could result in her dad killing them both. 

Whatever Life Throws At You is a book I randomly came across a while back. It sounded like something that I would enjoy so I promptly added it to my Goodreads "to read" shelf, like I do for dozens of other books. But then I saw someone tweeting about it last week and was reminded it of it. I quickly checked and it was available for my e-reader so I figured, why not? Honestly, I couldn't be happier about that random decision. I loved every page of this story. It didn't take long for me to get caught up in Annie and Brody's story. It was just so fun and happy and sweet. It was just a great romance read that was perfect for the mood I was in at the time. But I also loved the sport element that was present throughout the story. Whether it was seeing the behind the scenes of a professional baseball team or being at Annie's track meets, I just loved how sports were integral to this story. At times, it even felt like baseball was a character in the book. But not enough of one to overshadow the actual characters who, FYI, I loved.

If there's one sport I can relate to, it's running. All through middle and high school I ran cross-country and track competitively. So right off the bat (baseball pun not intended), I could relate to that aspect of Annie's character. But beyond that, I loved Annie's drive, how she wasn't afraid to go for what she wanted, even if it sometimes meant she acted before thinking things all the way through. Annie was just an all around great character and I loved getting to read this story from her perspective. And there's nothing I enjoyed more than seeing her interact with Jason Brody. If you haven't already met Jason Brody, you are missing out. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't exactly think much of him at first. He very much came across as that stereotype you have of a young professional athlete. But once the layers started being pulled back, I just loved him more and more. Let's just say that I would happily let him whisper to me in Spanish to calm me down in the middle of a tornado warning. And needless to say that I loved seeing Annie and Brody's relationship go from friendship to something more.

Julie Cross's Whatever Life Throws At You is a fun and adorable contemporary romance, perfect for sports lovers. It was exactly what I was in the mood for when I read it, and I would strongly encourage you to do the same. Odds are, you won't regret it.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Title: Stone Cold Touch (Dark Elements #2)
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publisher: HarlequinTEEN
Release Date: October 21, 2014
Source: ARC from Publisher
Buy the Book: Amazon / Book Depository / Indigo
Every touch has its price

Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could.

But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay…

I don't really know that there's anything new about Jennifer L. Armentrout that I can say. With every book of her's that I read, it just confirms that she's one of my favourite authors. I was really excited about reading Stone Cold Touch when I got a copy at BEA and I'm surprised that I waited this long to finally read it. But I'm SO HAPPY to have finally read it. 

For the last few weeks, Layla has been trying to pick up the pieces of her heart. After everything that happened in the school's old gym, she isn't sure how to go on anymore. Roth was the only person Layla could truly be herself around. With him she could embrace her demon side without feeling ashamed. But now Roth is gone, burning in the fiery pits of Hell. The only person left on Layla's side is Zayne. Her completely off-limits best friend. The person who's always been there for her. But things seem to be changing with Zayne. All of a sudden, he seems to be seeing Layla as more than just a little sister. But that's not the only thing changing around Layla. Her powers are changing, the Wardens are convinced she might be becoming a threat. And when she least expects it, Roth returns.

So. Stone Cold Touch. What can I say, other than I loved it? I'll do my best to say a little more than that, because it's not entirely helpful. Here's the thing about me and series, I have trouble keeping up with them. No matter how much I love them, I can't bring myself to keep up with them. And then when it's the second book in a trilogy, I'm always afraid it's just going to act as filler to tide me over until the last book. But that was far from a problem with Stone Cold Touch. The story picks up shortly after the event of the first book, and as a reader, you're thrown right back into the middle of it. Much like in the first book, the nature of many of the characters made it difficult to know who I could trust, and who was actually telling the truth. Every so often I would think I had caught one of them in a lie, but then something new would be brought to light and I was back to being confused. But confused in a good way. And once again, the ending took me completely by surprise. I kinda figured something big was going to happen. Jennifer L. Armentrout had actually told me as much when I met her at BEA, but I didn't think that was going to be it. Needless to say, I'm excited to see where things are going to go in the final book.

After having read Stone Cold Touch, I still love Layla just as much, if not more, than I did after I finished reading White Hot Kiss. The world just seems to be against her no matter what she does, and I can't help but want better for her. I felt her pain at losing Roth. Hell, I was not a happy person when Roth ended up in the fiery pits in the first book. And I felt her struggle with her feelings for Zayne, wanting more, but always being afraid that it would result in her getting hurt. I just want GOOD stuff to happen to Layla, but at the rate things are going that might not happen for a while. And now here's the thing about Zayne and Roth. Once, again I kept going back and forth between the two. This time around, I definitely got to see a whole lot more of Zayne. Basically, I got to see a whole other side of him and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it. Meanwhile, Roth was being kind of annoying but kept on doing these little things that made me love him. It's just hard to choose between the two. Which leads me to say that as much as I was doubtful of having readers pick who Layla ends up with in the final book (more info on that here), I can see how it might work because I honestly can't decide on who I want her with. Both boys have their flaws and their merits and I love them both for completely different reasons. And maybe we can just clone Layla so she can be with both boys and no one gets their heart broken. How does that sound?

So yeah, I loved Jennifer L. Armentrout's Stone Cold Touch. Is anyone who knows me actually surprised by that fact? I didn't think so. I was definitely not disappointed by this second installment of the Dark Elements trilogy, and I can't wait to see how it will all end in Every Last Breath.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog Tour - Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot

Today I am happy to be taking part in the Canadian blog tour for Chelsey Philpot's newly released Even in Paradise. As part of the tour, I asked Chelsey to talk about where she gets inspiration and ideas from. So if you're looking for new ways to get ideas, keep reading!
When it comes to uncovering ideas and discovering the right words, I’ve found that writing is more like searching through debris in a neglected attic than shopping a well-lit megastore. More often than not, my thoughts crawl instead of spring. More often than not, I produce more sentences that I can’t use than ones I can. More often than not, as Jack London once so famously said, “You can’t wait for inspiration. you have to go after if with a club.”

But how do you hunt an idea? Pin down a revelation? I can’t answer for every writer, but here are a few “clubs” that work for me.

1. Read poetry. Whether I’m writing fiction or nonfiction, poetry never disappoints. I particularly love the work of Paul Kane, Charles Wright, and Nancy Willard.

2. Look at some awesome travel photography. I’ve adored National Geographic since I was little.

3. Check out art. I have never met an art museum that I have not wanted to explore.

4. Move. Get away form the desk! I’m lucky to live near both ocean beaches and mountains.

5. Dance. I feel I don’t need to explain this one.

6. Do research. Whether my research involves looking through archives or watching YouTube videos, I love doing it—so much so that I have trouble stopping and getting to the actual writing.

7. Read about writing. I love discovering what rituals, practices, etc. for other writers.

8. Talk to strangers. Interviews with interesting people who may never have spoken to are among some of my best journalism experiences.

9. Have adventures. Travel. I would live out of a suitcase for the rest of my life if I could carry all my books with me.

10. Be brave. Each fresh experience, each time you try something strange or scary, might be the start of your next article, story, or book. Impulse can lead to crazy and wonderful stories.

Thank you to Chelsey for this post and sharing the strategies she found work to find inspiration and new book ideas!

About the book
When Julia Buchanan enrols at St. Anne’s at the beginning of junior year, Charlotte Ryder already knows all about the former senator’s daughter. Most people do…or think they do.

Charlotte certainly never expects she’ll be Julia’s friend. But almost immediately, she is drawn into the larger than-life-new girl’s world—a world of midnight rendezvous, dazzling parties, palatial vacation homes, and fizzy champagne cocktails. And then Charlotte meets, and begins falling for, Julia’s handsome older brother, Sebastian.

But behind her self-assured smiles and toasts to the future, Charlotte soon realizes that Julia is still suffering from a tragedy. A tragedy that the Buchanan family has kept hidden…until now.

About the author
Chelsey Philpot grew up on a farm in New Hampshire and now works as an editor and journalist. She’s written from the New York Times, Boston Globe, Slate, and numerous other publications. Like her main character, Charlotte, Chelsea attended boarding school in New England. You can visit her online at or on Twitter @ChelseyPhilpot.

And be sure to follow the rest of the Canadian Even in Paradise blog tour!

October 13 - A Glass of Wine
October 15 - Emilie's Book World
October 17 - Lily's Book Blog
October 20 - SukasaReads
October 21 - Hiver et Café
October 24 - Read My Breath Away

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang

Title: Falling Into Place
Author: Amy Zhang
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Release Date: September 9, 2014
Source: ARC from Publisher
Buy the Book: Amazon / Book Depository / Indigo
On the day Liz Emerson tries to die, they had reviewed Newton’s laws of motion in physics class. Then, after school, she put them into practice by running her Mercedes off the road.

Why? Why did Liz Emerson decide that the world would be better off without her? Why did she give up? Vividly told by an unexpected and surprising narrator, this heartbreaking and nonlinear novel pieces together the short and devastating life of Meridian High’s most popular junior girl. Mass, acceleration, momentum, force—Liz didn’t understand it in physics, and even as her Mercedes hurtles toward the tree, she doesn’t understand it now. How do we impact one another? How do our actions reverberate? What does it mean to be a friend? To love someone? To be a daughter? Or a mother? Is life truly more than cause and effect? Amy Zhang’s haunting and universal story will appeal to fans of Lauren Oliver, Gayle Forman, and Jay Asher.

It feels like everyone and their mother has been talking about Amy Zhang's Falling Into Place. I'm even one of those people who talked about the book long before I got a chance to read it. I was unbelievably excited about reading this book. I knew it had the potential to be a powerful and moving read. And let me tell you, it definitely was.

No one knows what happened on the day that Liz Emerson drove her car into a tree. To everyone looking in from the outside, Liz Emerson had the perfect life. But appearances don't always reflect reality. Everyone is asking themselves why Liz decided the world would be better off without her. Her friends wonder if they should have seen something they missed. Her mother wonders if things would have been different if she'd been around more. But unless Liz Emerson wakes up, no one will know exactly what happened on that fateful afternoon.

I started being excited about Amy Zhang's Falling Into Place pretty much from the moment I first heard about the book. It sounded like it was made up of everything I love about contemporary stories. Once people started reading the book though, I started getting a little worried. It seemed like either people absolutely loved the book or it wasn't for them. I started being afraid of how I would react. Would I be part of the group of people who absolutely love this story, or would I be disappointed by a book I was incredibly excited about? I didn't really have to worry about it though. I LOVED Falling Into Place. It was so completely different from anything I've read recently, especially in the way the story was told. Falling Into Place is not told in a linear way. Instead, it takes you back in time in an effort to explain what led to Liz Emerson driving her car off the road. I'll admit that it took me a little longer than usual to get into the story because of that, but once I was in, it's what kept me reading. All the jumps in time made me curious about what had led to this point. And that had a lot to do with understanding who was telling this story, and who Liz Emerson really was.

I'll be honest and say that Liz Emerson wasn't exactly a likeable person. None of what I really saw about her, especially in the flashbacks, did much to make me like her more. Liz was essentially the textbook definition of a mean girl, and even that might be putting it nicely. But as much as I wanted to dislike her, every so often I would get these glimpses of a different Liz. A Liz who understood that what she did was wrong, and who regretted everything she did. And that's the Liz I wanted to root for, the Liz I wanted to see pull through all her injuries from the accident. Really though, I wanted to believe in the version of Liz the narrator saw. And that brings me to the narrator. I new going in who the narrator of this story was, so I was curious to see how it would all work. And it really did. For most of the story I almost forgot who the narrator was, it just felt like I was reading a story told in third person. But then there were those moments that were heartbreaking, the ones where the narrator was trying to go back to a time where Liz was her better self. It's just really hard to explain it all in a way that makes sense. But it does. If you read Falling Into Place, it will all make sense.

Amy Zhang's Falling Into Place was everything I had hoped it would be. This was a moving story that left me completely raw. It wasn't until the very last page that I was able to let go of the breath I was holding. If you are looking for something completely different from what's out there, but feels entirely real, than this is the book for you.

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