Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA: Introductions First!

Since I'm not able to make it to NYC for the actual BEA conference, I decided to participate in Armchair BEA and today is the first day. For the first day, we are asked to answer five questions so that the other people participating in the event and our readers can get to know us better. So without further ado, here's a little more about me.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

If it wasn't obvious by my blog's name, I'm Emilie and I'm a 21-year-old university student. Come the fall I'm going to be in my final year of my undergraduate studies, working on a double major in communication and political science. So outside of blogging, a lot of my time is spent studying and doing school-related stuff both for my studies and for my work. As far as blogging is concerned, I've been at it for almost two years and I never even thought I would last this long. As to how I got into blogging, it was kind of out of sheer boredom. The summer after my first year of university I was living alone and I wasn't working so I spent most of my days reading since it was too hot to do anything else. I had been following a few book blogs and I thought I maybe should try my hand at it. I mean, I was reading all these books and wanted to talk about them but I didn't really have anyone with whom I could talk about that. So I figured that if nothing else, starting a book blog would at least give me a place where I could express my thoughts on those books and from there the whole thing just sort of took off.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

English isn't actually my first language. Originally I'm a French-speaker and until I reached middle school my English was relatively limited. But then I started going to school in English and I realized that a lot of the books I had been reading in French were actually translated from English so I decided to read the original versions. I still speak French whenever I'm home or with my family and still read in French from time to time, but nowhere near as much as I used to, especially since I've been going to school in English ever since and I now live in a more anglophone area.

Where do you see your blog in five years?

I really have no idea. When I first started blogging almost two years ago I didn't even thinkI would keep it up for that long. But it didn't take long for blogging to become a pretty important part of my life. I guess in five years I would want to still be keeping it up. I don't necessarily have high expectations as to what my blog will become but I'm at least hoping that I will still be reading as much as I am now and still talking about those books I'm reading. So basically, in five years I still want to be blogging but my blog doesn't need to have become something big and amazing.

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

I've always had a thing for mermaid stories and when I was a kid I was obsessed with The Little Mermaid (arguably, you could say I still am sometimes) so if I could visit a literary location I would pick an underwater mermaid world. It would just be awesome to see how the mermaids really live and to experience living in an underwater world. Though I have my suspicions that if I were actually able to visit a mermaid world it would only make my obsession with mermaids even worse.

Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?

My reading tastes haven't changed all that much since I've started blogging. Before I started blogging I was reading YA and that's still what I read now. I would say the main difference is that I read a lot more different genres within YA. Before blogging I mostly only read contemporary and paranormal but now I've widened my tastes. The other way my reading habits have changed is that I read a lot less in French than I used to. Before I started blogging my reading was not a perfect 50/50 division between French and English but there was a lot more French than there is now. Though that might also have to do with the fact that there are less French books around where I am living now.

Come back tomorrow for the second day of Armchair BEA to find out what have been some of my favorite reads of 2012 so far and maybe even a giveaway.

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  1. I'm a 21 yr old uni student too (and Canadian)! I think it's awesome you are bilingual. I bet there aren't a lot of French YA books though, so I can totally see what you made the switch to English books. Well it was nice to "meet you" Emilie! I've followed you on Twitter for a while, but it's cool to get to know a person more in-depth :)

    <a href=">My introduction post :)</a>

  2. Hi! I would be happy to join you in that underwater world! I find the differences in writing in different languages/countries fascinating! Enjoy Armchair BEA!

    My BEA Intro

  3. Underwater world sounds pretty cool :)

    OMG I would never have noticed English wan't your second language :P

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  4. Hi Emilie! That is great that you are bi-lingual!

    Have a great time at Armchair BEA!!

  5. How daughter also loves the Little Mermaid. She is 21 and basically believes that she is Ariel reborn!

  6. That's amazing to know you're bilingual. Definitely gives you more books to read :) I hope your blog is still going strong in 5 years. Love reading your reviews!

  7. I'm always amazed at bilingual people. I took Spanish from 7th grade-senior year of college and am still not completely bilingual. Reading books in Spanish was definitely one of my favorite was to practice the language though. And that would be awesome to visit the mermaid world!
    -Melissa @Harley Bear Book Blog

  8. Yes, mermaids! I am so obsessed too. It's probably not healthy. In fact, my co-worker sent me a link to an Animal Planet documentary about mermaids and told me to embrace my "inner nerd." =)

    I took 5 years of French in school, but I can only remember the basics (like how to ask where the restroom is). Sigh.

    The Flashlight Reader

  9. I love French, though I speak it terribly. I've been meaning to start studying it again so I can read some french lit in the original language. Also, I love that you chose underwater and mermaids. That would be pretty cool.

  10. I love mermaids, well I like mermen better, but it's all the same thing. I even wrote a short story in high school about a little merboy who gets into trouble when he enters the sandcastle of tuna fish family when they are away from home.

    Hope you have a great week.

  11. I might be taking a French class next semester at school. haha.
    It's so great to meet you!!
    Hope you have a great Armchair BEA week!
    Here's my post:

    xo Stephanie

  12. I'm with you, I never thought my blog would last this long either, but I'm going on 3 years.

    That's really impressive that you're completely bilingual. I've taken a few foreign language classes, but I still haven't quite got the hang of any.

    If you have the time, I’d love to hear from you at my armchair BEA post.

  13. I started blogging for some of the same reasons- wanting to have someone to talk to about books. It helps to know there are people who get just as crazy about things as I do.

  14. Hi Emilie! Nice to see you at Armchair BEA. :)


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