Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Throwing My Life Away by Liz Czukas

Title: Throwing My Life Away
Author: Liz Czukas
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: December 20, 2016
Source: ARC from Author
Buy the Book: Amazon / B&N / iBooks / Kobo
7 photographs, 2 weeks, an entire life to get back. No problem, right?

After her stepfather accidentally throws away her high school mementos, sentimental Mariska is pretty sure the world is over. That is, until she comes up with a plan. She’s going to recreate her past, with a little help from her friends.

It’s not easy to rally everyone into helping, especially Caine, who couldn’t be less sentimental about anything if he were a park bench. But from a guerrilla kite festival to convincing her ex-boyfriend to recreate her lost prom picture, Mariska is willing to do what it takes.

With a little nudging from Caine, Mariska starts to realize she can’t actually get her past back. And maybe that’s okay. Because while she’s so focused on the past, she’s missing out on the present, where her friends are busy having the summer of their lives. And where funny, quiet Cain might just be the future she never knew she wanted.

As someone who reads a lot I know that there are some books that will stick with me more than others, it's just what happens. But those books that stick with me, they do so for a reason. Sometimes it's because they resonated with me in a particular way, in other cases it's because it was a particularly good story. I don't know exactly what it was about Liz Czukas's Throwing My Life Away, but I know that also two months later, I'm still thinking about it.

Despite having her books on my shelves, I haven't actually read any of Liz Czukas's books. Well, that's not entirely true; I've read the New Adult titles she's written as Ellie Cahill and I absolutely loved them. So when she approached me to see if I would be interested in reading Throwing My Life Away I jumped at the opportunity. And I'm glad I did because I loved reading this story. Right from the start, it made me nostalgic for that time between high school and college where I was ready to move forward and see what the future had to offer while also wanting to hold on to all the memories of the past (granted I'm someone who actually liked high school and have lots of good memories from it). While reading, I could understand Mariska's sadness and anger at losing all her pictures because it felt like she was losing all her memories. But as much as it sucked, if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have had a story to read and that would have sucked just as much. 

As much as I enjoyed reading all about Mariska and her friends recreating her memories (or at least doing their best to recreate something close to her memories), my favourite part of the story was Mariska's relationship with Caine. At first, I honestly didn't think their relationship would be anything beyond friendship and that it would just be some side plot that wouldn't really get explored. And I was immediately disappointed because there was something about the way they interacted with each other that made me want to know and see more. And then Caine started popping up all the time and before long I was rooting for Mariska and Caine. They so clearly made sense together even if it took forever for the both of them to figure it out. And even when they figured it out, I still wasn't quite sure they were going to happen. But they did and it was perfect. 

There's a lot about Liz Czukas's Throwing My Life Away: the nostalgia it brought on, the photo quest, the yearbook battle, the slow build of the romance. It was so many things I love all in one book. To make a long story short, this is a story you definitely don't want to miss.

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cover Reveal - Throwing My Life Away by Liz Czukas

Title: Throwing My Life Away
Author: Liz Czukas
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: December 20, 2016
7 photographs, 2 weeks, an entire life to get back. No problem, right?

After her stepfather accidentally throws away her high school mementos, sentimental Mariska is pretty sure the world is over. That is, until she comes up with a plan. She’s going to recreate her past, with a little help from her friends.

It’s not easy to rally everyone into helping, especially Caine, who couldn’t be less sentimental about anything if he were a park bench. But from a guerrilla kit festival to convincing her ex-boyfriend to recreate her lost prom picture, Mariska is willing to do what it takes.

With a little nudging from Caine, Mariska starts to realize she can’t actually get her past back. And maybe that’s okay. Because while she’s so focused on the past, she’s missing out on the present, where her friends are busy having the summer of their lives. And where funny, quiet Caine might just be the future she never knew she wanted.

Isn't this cover absolutely gorgeous? I've been lucky enough to read Throwing My Life Away already and let me just say that it's a story you don't want to miss--look out for a full review next week!

Here's what Liz had to say about her beautiful new cover:

I am so excited to share this cover with you all! I am seriously in love with it. Sarah from Okay Creations did such an amazing job! I can’t wait for you all to read the book so you can see exactly how perfect each one of the images she chose is. Seriously when I saw it, I was almost spooked by how utterly perfect they were.

It’s completely surreal to be sharing this cover so close to the release! In only 5 days, Throwing My Life Away will be up on all digital platforms and also available in paperback. Such a chance from the usual way, where we have to wait months just drooling over a gorgeous cover image before we get to see it in person. 

And you guys, seriously, the paperback is possibly even more gorgeous. I’ll post pics as soon as I can.

Thank you Sarah, for the bee-you-ti-ful cover! I’m proud to have it among my covers. And a huge huge hank you to all the awesome bloggers who have helped to spread this cover far and wide. The suppose of the book blogging community is one of my absolute favorite parts of being an author.

Now for the giveaway! You could win one of three paperback copies of Throwing My Life Away! If the winner is in the US, I can send a signed copy, but that doesn’t mean you international peeps can’t enter! You’ll get a paperback copy shipped to you, and I’d be happy to drop a signed bookplate in the mail to go with it!

That giveaway she mentioned? Just go here to enter!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Release Day - Edge of Bliss by Molly E. Lee

Title: Edge of Bliss (Love on the Edge #4)
Author: Molly. E. Lee
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: December 14, 2016
Source: ARC from Publicist
Buy the Book: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon CA / Amazon AU
I never knew how perfect life could be until Blake Caster was finally mine.

Chasing storms with her only doubles the passion and the rush, but as we travel down tornado alley at the start of the season, we run into more than our fair share of nonweather-related trouble.

My past on the alley catches up to me in a bad way and with each captured storm, a wedge is driven between us. The harder I try to hold on to Blake, the faster she is slipping away.

Add to that an unexpected call from her ex, new pressures from the reality show filming our every move, and a job offer Blake may not be able to pass up, and my perfect life is on the same chaotic path as the storms we chase.

All I want to do is make her mine—forever—but one trip down tornado alley might be our last. 

In the past year, Molly E. Lee has become one of my go-to authors for New Adult romance. I've devoured every single one of her books and have loved each one more than the last. With Edge of Bliss, I was excited to get back to the story and characters that started it all and I don't think I could have loved this story more.

Here's the thing: I have a love-hate relationship when it comes to sequels and romance novels. I love them because I'm never unhappy to spend time with characters I love. But I also hate them because for there to be a story in a sequel, then it means that something's going to get in the way of characters I love being happy together. If it were up to me, romance sequels would just be about the couple being happy together and living their life with nothing getting in their way. I get that that wouldn't exactly make for the most interesting read, but at least that way I people (well, characters) I care about wouldn't end up unhappy. And that's just my really ramble-y, longwinded way of saying that I was a little scared of what Edge of Bliss was going to be all about. I love Blake and Dash and I was more than happy to revisit them, but after everything they'd gone through, I just wanted them to be happy once and for all. Much as I didn't want a lot of what happened in Edge of Bliss to happen to them, I can now say that they're stronger for it and it's something they needed to go through. And yeah, I totally loved being back with them, but also with John and Paul as the four of them chased down storms all along tornado alley. 

I will say this, I loved getting to see Dash and Blake as an actual couple. So much of the first book, Edge of Chaos, is about Blake finding her strength and getting out of an abusive and toxic relationship that you don't really get to see that much of Blake and Dash being something more than friends. Don't get me wrong, I loved the start of their relationship, how they became friends before they became anything else. Edge of Bliss, on the other hand, is all about them as a couple and I loved it. I loved seeing how their relationship grew and still had that strong basis of friendship. I loved that Blake was finally able to be herself despite being in a relationship, in fact how being in that relationship helped give her some of the confidence she needed to be herself. And Dash was still his ever charming self and I loved him for it. I loved how much he loved Blake, how he was willing to be there for her no matter what. And do I really need to say that I love Blake and Dash together? Because by this point, that should be plenty obvious.

Despite my concerns whenever it comes to romance sequels, I absolutely loved Edge of Bliss. If you're a romance lover and have yet to read any of Molly E. Lee's books, then I strongly urge you to do so. I can guarantee it.


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Friday, December 2, 2016

Cover Reveal - Edge of Bliss by Molly E. Lee


Title: Edge of Bliss (Love on the Edge #4)
Author: Molly E. Lee
Release Date: December 14, 2016
I never knew how perfect life could be until Blake Caster was finally mine.

Chasing storms with her only doubles the passion and the rush, but as we travel down tornado alley at the start of the season, we run into more than our fair share of nonweather-related trouble.

My past on the alley catches up to me in a bad way and with each captured storm, a wedge is driven between us. The harder I try to hold on to Blake, the faster she is slipping away.

Add to that an unexpected call from her ex, new pressures from the reality show filming our every move, and a job offer Blake may not be able to pass up, and my perfect life is on the same chaotic path as the storms we chase.

All I want to do is make her mine—forever—but one trip down tornado alley might be our last.    



One of Five ARC's for Edge of Bliss


About the Author

Molly E. Lee is an author and editor best known for her debut novel EDGE OF CHAOS, and as a fourth year mentor at Pitch Wars - a program which connects promising writers to established authors in the community. Molly writes New Adult Contemporary and Young Adult Urban Fantasy featuring strong female heroines who are unafraid to challenge their male counterparts, yet still vulnerable enough to have love sneak up on them. In addition to being a military spouse and mother of two + one stubborn English Bulldog, Molly loves watching storms from her back porch at her Midwest home, and digging for treasures in antique stores.

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